Dream jumper
By greg grunberg and lucas turnbloom
Ben can go into the dream world and can save other people in the dream world. Ben has to go to the sleep doctor because he has been having strange dreams and where Ben learns that a lot of people have gone to a stage of sleep where they cant wake up called the sub-rem. During Ben's sleep scan he falls into the sub-ren.
In the dream world Ben meets a rabbit named Lewis who can talk, for some reason. And he explains that Ben is a dream jumper. A dream jumper can visit the dream world and the real world without actually dreaming though they need to be asleep to visit the dream world. Lewis also explains that all the people in sub-rem are actually gust trapped in an evil forest by a dream monster. So like an idiot they rush into the evil magic forest with a magic monster without backup.
Ben and Lewes find where the monster is keeping all the people and while Ben is freeing all the people Lewis is fighting the monster. Lewis knocks the monster out and they all escape when athre dream jumpers come, so there were other available dream jumpers that could have come in the first place. All the people that were in sub-rem wake up.
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